$PSDocId: Document Release 1.0 for Runtime Library Release 3.6$ libgpu tutorial 1994.03.14. suzu (SCE) 1994.07.13. suzu (SCE) 1994.12.28. suzu (SCE) Here are simple tutorial samples using low level library (libgpu) --------------------------------------------------------------------- file | contents ----------------+---------------------------------------------------- tuto0 |display simple sprites tuto1 |Ordering Table for display priority control tuto2 |simple example for libgte tuto3 |draw simple 3D object (cube). tuto4 |add lighting calculation to "tuto3" tuto5 |add texture mapping to "tuto3" tuto6 |add depth queue (fog effect) to "tuto3" tuto7 |draw many cubes with hierachy coordinate system tuto8 |scroll background plane (one dimensional) tuto9 |cell type scrolling BG (two dimensional) tuto10 |3D cell type BG (bird view) tuto11 |pseudo mosaic effect tuto12 |pseudo line scroll effect tuto13 |multi window operation --------------------------------------------------------------------- Each program share following source code. --------------------------------------------------------------------- file |contents ----------------+---------------------------------------------------- init.c |initialize graphic environment cube.c |library to draw several type 3D cube lscr.c |library to do line scroll --------------------------------------------------------------------- Each program share following texture pattern. Texture pattern data can be compiled and linked with other C source code . --------------------------------------------------------------------- file |contents ----------------+---------------------------------------------------- a)mat0tex.c |4bit 64x64 sprite pattern (page #0) mat1tex.c |4bit 64x64 sprite pattern (page #1) mat2tex.c |4bit 64x64 sprite pattern (page #2) mat3tex.c |4bit 64x64 sprite pattern (page #3) ----------------+---------------------------------------------------- b)far0tex.c |8bit 256x256 texture pattern far1tex.c |8bit 256x256 texture pattern near0tex.c |8bit 256x256 texture pattern near1tex.c |8bit 256x256 texture pattern wintex.c |8bit 256x256 texture pattern ----------------+---------------------------------------------------- c)bgtex.c |4bit 32x32 BG cell pattern ----------------+---------------------------------------------------- d)balltex.c |4bit 16x16 ball pattern with 32 CLUTs --------------------------------------------------------------------- Texture pattern is stored in the predifined array style in the following format. a),c) 0x00-0x7f 4bit CLUT (only top 32byte is used) 0x80- 256x256 4bit texture page image b) 0x00-0x7f 8bit CLUT (only top 64byteis used) 0x80- 256x256 8bit texture page image