/************************************************************************* most important files... XAPLAY.C : the CD-ROM XA Audio interface routines. XAPLAY.H : prototypes for functions in above. MAIN.C : test app for routines in XAPLAY.C. BALLS.C : Sony's standard BALL routines for their demo apps. PACK1.XA : Multi stream XA file for testing. PACK2.XA : Multi stream XA file for testing. PSX.EXE : a build of the above code converted to PlayStation EXE XATEST.CTI : source for a BuildCD session. You will need to burn at least the XA files onto a CD-Emulator or CD-ROM. Once there you could do a "run main" as long as the dev system is looking to the right device (emulator or CD drive) for data. /************************************************************************* Description: This demo show use of interleaved XA streams to store LARGE numbers of dialog lines, amd how to play them back NEARLY instantly. The example uses 6 files (pack1.xa -> pack6.xa) each of which has 8 streams interleaved. A total of 48 dialog lines! Press the left d-pad up button to trigger playback. A random phrase will be chosen. ON SCREEN: - ID is the phrase to be played (1-48) - File is the name of the XA file. Note: a jump from PACK1.XA to PACK6.XA would demonstrate the longest seek time. - Index is the stream within the file (0-7) A few notes... The samples are 37.8k MONO xa. Even at that rate I could interleave another 8 samples in each file for a total of 16 lines per file. This would double the available phrases with NO increase in seek time etc. I could double the number of phrases yet again by going with an 18.9k sample rate... 32 PHRASES PER FILE!