Included in this ZIP are the key components for the Demo Disc Boot Strap mechanism. Essentially demo's must adhere to the DEMOG.DOC document, and reserve the first 32K of memory for BS. BS Is fairly simple ... on starting it invokes PIRATE.EXE (to produce the required ELSPA and DISCLAIMER files). It isn't big enough to use CDsearchfile, and instead relies on the DISC Layout being... PIRATE.EXE DD.EXE /* the front end program */ PIRATE.EXE returns control back to BS, which then invokes DD. DD Has all the menu code, and allows the user to choose a game, and then find out, and passes back all of the information concerning the executable to BS, by putting information in the data area (data is a pointer to the address APPDATA_POS). DD exits, returning control to BS, which looks in APPDATA_POS and then fires up the game. After the game exits, again BS will call back DD... We've provided a few code fragments - we use a similar mechanism for both DemoOne (the inbox disc) and the Official PlayStation Magazine Disc. Let us know (via a Private mail on our BBS) if you have any questions. This is a first cut, and no doubt will be improved. Paul Holman, Mgr, Developer Support.