These directories include the various bits and pieces you will need to rebuild your program for use in the demo disk. Personally, I reckon this isn't too hard a process (at the time of writing it has been done once already), but if you have problems, feel free to ask. There are 5 directories: bs: Bootstrap program source, and a readme. This boots the machine, and will load and run your program under the conditions it will have on the demo disk. docs: Contains an MS Word and Text version of the document describing how the playable game segments should be constructed. none2: This directory contains a reworking of the SCEI none2.obj, which is a replacement for libsn.lib, allowing your program to return to the calling program (ie bs.exe) properly. This version includes the libsn variables __heapbase et al. setsp: This directory contains 2 PC utilities for working with PlayStation .EXE files - dumpexe, which dumps the information from the XF_HDR info at the start of an EXE file, and setsp, which can be used to set the correct stack pointer in a PlayStation .EXE file (as the cpe2x converter does not, and the demo disk needs to know where the stack goes). example: This directory has an example program which runs under bs.exe, and shows how to retrieve arguments from the parent, and set up and close down the various subsystems without breaking anything. IMPORTANT: ---------- 1: Please note that for Demo 2 (which will be released around Winter 95) the meaning and number of arguments passed to the demo segment has slightly changed. Please make sure you are familiar with these alterations, otherwise you're demo will not work! A description of the new standard can be found in demog.doc. 2: If you haven't filled out the questionnaire about your game demo, please do! I will have a lot of difficulty laying the disk out if you don't ! Thanks, and best of luck, Allan.