Dev Con Sample code for accessing memory cards =============================================== Dave This is not as finished as I would have liked but I'm being pressured to move onto other things so I'm distributing it in this state. If (when)you find a bug in it, please leave a message on the bbs and I'll try and fix it. If you have any suggestion for improvement/modification the same applies. This program should allow you to read and write from memory cards whilst displaying animated graphics and playing seq data, as well as showing the optimum technique for detecting cards. I know I told everyone not to do this, but......... I was wrong. Its not doing anything new or clever, it just seems to do everything in the right order??? Hope there's not too many lies or red herrings........... Hi Rod, The best routine I have for detecting cards is the one in card.c called test_card() This was written for me by an SCE engineer for the developers conf.... So it should be pretty good. Hope this helps. Dave